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Letters from the Consciousness
of Ancestor Buddha
Audio CD
The Complete Ascension WorkbooK II
CD Rom
This new workbook has been compiled by the Earth Mother from the map carvers of ascension over the many years and focuses upon the emotional issues required transcendence over to master Bodhisattva level evolution
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This section begins a series of articles from the seven ascended masters associated with Ancestor Buddha. In recent months the archives of six additional ascensions attributed to the consciousness of Buddha has surfaced; and these ancestors have united into a common consciousness that desires to share their perceptions about ascension for the benefit of the map carvers in present time. They bless and honor each in your choice to ascend.
- A Message from Ancestor Buddha A special sharing about Buddha's life and ascension and the karma that he is clearing as an ancestor at this time in history. Special blessings from the Heart of the Tao are also offered through Ancestor Buddha. (12/21/06)
- A Message from Ancestor Quan Yin A special sharing about Quan Yin's life and ascension and the karma that she is clearing as an ancestor at this time in history, along with her perceptions of real ascension. (4/25/07)
The Ascension of the Seven Buddhas The first of many essays to pour forth from the consciousness of Buddha; this essay defines the seven lives and ascensions of each incarnation. (05/26/10)
Exiting the Dance of Extreme Polarity
A new essay that explores the polarity cross and how to step into the new holographic wheel of truth in its place. (08/17/10)
The awakening of Lilliya began over a decade ago as she opened to her inner reality or the nonphysical dreamtime realms that surround the human species. She studied her own energetic changes in association with ascension, and over time opened to channel her soul, oversoul and source, the earth mother and nature kingdoms along with the Tao, a force that sits outside of time and space and form, to make information that each wished humanity to understand available to each who so chooses to study of our materials.
Ascension makes possible a new life to blossom that is disease free, pain free, and restores the ability for each to become the dreamer and the dream. Through ascension, one may learn to consciously dream weave and intend one's life, and then live to experience the life intended. This is the gift of ascension. It is Lilliya's greatest hope that more shall choose the spiritual path of ascension in this lifetime due to the gifts that this
International Ascension Conference
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