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The Inner Earth Mother “Anasonya” through Karen Danrich “Lilliya”

February 15, 2010


Blessings for Learning to Tao Dream



Dear Beloved Ascending Human,


It is Anasonya that greets you today, the inner earth collective consciousness.  Anasonya translates into “Song of my Heart” in Tao language and it is a name we choose for ourselves as we are reprogramming and re-patterning ourselves to sing the biggest love song one could ever think possible or has ever been sung in this region of domain; as this is the large level of love that is required to allow the surface of the earth to begin its self healing process.  We are in the midst of restoring a collective energy flow between inner and outer earth and this is also why we are writing unto each willing to read of this information today.


Anasonya has ensouled Lilliya along with the Heart of the Tao in recent months and this was a necessary dance as Oa was dying.  In their own death and rebirth Lilliya have chosen two new spiritual names in our association of “Lilliya”.  Lilliya translates into never ending flame of truth and Nomi into giving birth to self.  These names resonate more deeply with their emerging Tao truth and this is why we have advised them to rename themselves; and this also allows for a completion with the past that Lilliya have danced within and lived. 


This past has not been as glorious as Lilliya may have wished to experience or express as everything on the surface has continued to head towards extinction; and even earth consciousness on the surface appears to have gone into extinction thought form.  Extinction thinking caused many patterns to be run at these two that would cause their lives to end in death; and this does not serve as if the leaders of the surface earth human ascension movement die, well then extinction is assured; and this is why so many forces have been vying to cause Oa to perish.


Anasonya and the Heart of the Tao chose to intervene and redirect Oa’s life as Nomi into health.  He is taking a respite from winters travel with Lilliya going on her own with other teachers to tend to the Intensives that are offered unto those in the school.  This is a real diversion of paths for the two as they have always been together since the time that they met; and this is over 10 years now.  However we see that it is also useful in clearing some codependent patterning that perhaps was never addressed between the two; and so this is clearing now and each shall do what they need to do to help earth and the Heart of the Tao foster the love in the map of ascension that we are vying to co-create. 




Life changes in a Tao Dream.  Lilliya are discovering that life in a Tao Dream causes what is required and the road to rise up to meet them.  They orchestrated a home to rent on the mainland so that Nomi has the time and space to recover; and this occurred in greater ease than anticipated.  So there is a new dream underway and in understanding each layer of pattern at cause of Oa’s demise, Nomi shall rise out of the dream for death and into a new dream for life; and all the keys recovered from this will allow Anasonya to understand what is causing surface of the earth dreams to drive her towards extinction.  So many layers have already been uncovered in recent weeks of focus on the part of Nomi and Lilliya and the Idaho Group that is forming the earliest community in their association; and it is all good and all helpful unto the whole to allow for the healing of earth to begin.


So what is so difficult in this region of domain that it all is driven towards extinction?  Well we see it is a mechanical response in a series of dreams that sit outside of the Tao and have fallen into splintering into light medium and dark.  We are in the darkest region of domain and so all the density, karma, patterns of disease and poison are projected at us so that other creations can remain in medium or lighter polarities of dream.  Dreams do not splinter between light medium and dark in the Tao; and so the solution to this entire problem is to enter a Tao Dream and simply step out of the patterns at cause of receiving death as the only possibility ahead.  So this si also so for Nomi who is rapidly lifting all the patterns of death projected upon him not only through the human unconscious but also through planets and the sun and other creations near and far that are all sent his way' and he is recovering through learning to Tao Dream.


So what is Tao Dreaming?  Well Anasonya has been moving into Tao Dreaming for over two years now and since anchoring the Heart of the Tao into her aurora.  Lilliya gave this part of all that is the name Tao which translates into “infinite wisdom” in Tao language; so maybe it is a good name for this series of creators that have anchored here to drive our dream into a Tao dream so that we also can go home.  Tao Dreams are infinite and host all possibilities of creation along with the possibility of a return journey back to where one was spawned.  The dreams we have been dreaming upon earth had not a Tao connection; and as a result there was no possible dream for a return journey.  Ascension is not about rising up the dimensions really and truly; it is about returning to where one was spawned; and this is an internal journey back through one’s own hologram.




Tao Dreams flow through one’s own hologram.  This is an interesting dance to restore as such, as in the restoration of a Tao Hologram upon earth now Tao Dreaming can begin to take off.  For two years the inner earth nature kingdoms and some larger headed inner earth humans have focused with Anasonya to cause a Tao Dream to begin to emerge. The Tao Dream has the possibility of our home coming; and now we are extending a Tao Dream to the surface of the earth.  The surface is badly fractured in terms of energy flow and dream; and so it will be lengthy process in order to restore Tao Dreaming here; and yet there are those like Nomi and Lilliya and those in their study program that are working to restore their own Tao Dreaming within; and it is not so difficult really and truly to foster.  As enough restore Tao Dreaming ahead upon the surface, then there shall be a healing of the whole that would not be possible otherwise.


Deep within the hologram is a projector that projects the dream that you as a human creator dreams in the dance of life.  This projector can attune to your intentions causing what you choose to dream to be projected on to your own dream weaving chakra and then the dreams shall flow directly towards you as intended.  The internal process of dreaming was lost long ago and in its place is an elaborate system developed of dreaming that involves manifestation planes that step dreams down as a serum that flows over the field of those who resonate with the dream chosen through the DNA.  This is externalized dreaming and is a style of dreaming that shall now be moved beyond on the part of all of nature and earth.  The reason for this is that the external dreams only contain possibilities for extinction; however in our internal Tao Dreaming now we can project a different dream upon our own dream chakras; and catch another dream of a return journey home to the Tao instead.




Dreaming from within is not a new pattern.  As a matter of fact the Grand Masters with the larger heads dreamt from within and had their own projectors in their holograms and holographic planes.  This is how and why the Grand Masters could shape shift and teleport; as they could intend to rearrange their molecules having transcended physical law transfiguring into any shape that they desired; and then back into human form again.  This required internal dreaming; and maybe if the Grand Masters had had a connection to the Tao Hologram, they would have shape shifted home to the Tao long ago.  Alas they had not a Tao connection and so there was nowhere to go other than into other forms of interest to experience; or up the dimensions into a higher vibration of thought-form.  This they thought was what ascension was for; as in failing to have a connection to “home” there was no other “home” to go unto other than what was already known and dreamt in this region of domain.


This saddens so many of the larger headed ancestors that are working closely with Nomi and Lilliya and others in their association to see how a Tao Dream can be fostered now upon the surface of the earth.  They are saddened as their capabilities could have led to a return journey home to the Tao long ago from which earth could have followed; and now it will take some time to foster those transcending physical law to a point that they could make this journey and simply shape shift into the Tao and go home.  These ancestors see how they were misled by forces that desired their knowledge and this is the underlying cause of why they perished and the subsequent falls in consciousness of their ancestries.


Although it is a sad turn of events, retrieving the records of how internal dreaming occurred on the part of the Grand Masters of long ago has allowed for a restoration of Tao Dreaming.  Tao Dreaming occurs through the same projector in the hologram that the Grand Masters used to create their dreams of shape shifting or teleportation; and therefore we are able now to align this projector with the Heart of the Tao to create a Tao Dream from within.  For Anasonya, this dream is projected from her heart center to the surface of the earth near Hawaii Nei.  In parallel and for each of grand master holographic nature, the projector of your own dreams resides within the heart and within the hologram that spins therein.  This is why now opening the heart becomes a prerequisite to learning to Tao Dream, for if the heart is not opened enough then intending through your own projection system will not work.




Those in Lilliya’s and Nomi’s studies are discovering that the heart movements need to be opened to a minimum of 4500 strands; as this is when the heart lotus expands to 1500 petals and this is enough of a movement to sustain a projector that emits a dream that then catches upon your own field rather than having to attune to the externalized dreams and all the problems that this causes.  The problems of externalized dreaming have more to do with all the intertwining between holographic natures and this is what those mapping have struggled with so greatly in terms of becoming the conscious dreamer; foir the intended dreams often flow to others and dreams not intended such as Oa's death flow to oneself.


As holograms intertwined so did dreams and this occurred more upon the surface of the earth than the inner earth.  As those of Anu descent came to live upon earth adding their holograms to the holographic planes, and because they were of Pleiadian descent, straight lined movements were introduced between holograms causing an intertwining.  Those ascending beyond Bodhisattva are beginning to undo this intertwining which affects both Grand Master holographic blueprints along with red nation alike.  Holograms in the holographic planes project the dreams that each human catches within the current externalized dreaming system; and therefore the dreams themselves are intertwined causing dreams to coagulate and flow unevenly and often more greatly to those of Anu descent.  The reason dreams coagulate and flow to those of Anu descent is a magnetism issue; and as you add electrical pulsations to magnetic field rotations of earth, it causes a wobble that shoots dreams towards those of electrical flow.


Tao Dreams on the other hand do not depend upon outside dreaming and therefore shall bypass the problem of intertwined or manipulated dreams.  As a result those who learn to Tao Dream shall project what they desire to manifest from within and cause what they wish in their life dance to transpire without requiring the need to participate in the current game of dreaming and all the forces that manipulate through such dreams.  The net result is the freedom to ascend home upon the outer earth in particular as the forces are more greatly present to prevent ascension here, as there would not be any other way to drive earth to extinction otherwise.  Why are so many forces so interested in earth going extinct?




This entire dance of extinction is due to life outside a tao dream and involves harvesting movements and grid work from dying creations to shore up other creations outside of a Tao Dream.  All that is outside of a Tao Dream receives no chi, no life force, no love as being inside the Tao Dream is a prerequisite to receive all the abundance that the Tao offers to each creator and creation.  Therefore the entire problem that Anasonya and earth experience is really the result of being outside of a Tao Dream and all the lack that this creates; and as she and each upon her returns to Tao Dreaming, then there will be all that is required to foster ascension home to the Tao ahead. 


Those that cannot learn to Tao Dream shall in time receive no dream and as the externalized dreaming ceases upon earth; and so this is the time of transition or cleansing ahead that shall cause those who cannot flow with earth to perish; and those that can shall carry on and also be more resonant as they too will learn to Tao Dream.  The reality is that those of foreign holographic nature will never learn to Tao Dream as they are in the wrong creation to participate.  Most of this nature have little interest in ascension or the spiritual path however there are some large gurus that have received so much dream from Lilliya or others who are ascending that they appear as though they are rising in consciousness without doing any of the work necessary to foster this within or in their DNA.  This is a sad dance here and it causes large leaders who are only used to strip those who follow them so that no ascension can really take off; however this dream of the guru is an external dream and therefore as all the ascending little ones and adults focused upon the goal of learning to Tao Dream foster this goal, they will not be subject to the loss of knowledge necessary to ascend as they will not be participating in the same dreams as the gurus.




Dreaming from within only requires intention after the heart lotus has opened enough to foster the dance of energies necessary to do so.  There is also a new heart pattern emerging that is spherical rather than flat.  In the past map the lotuses look like a lotus flower with petals that extend out and the hologram rests in the middle.  The new pattern that the map carvers are moving towards is a lotus that is a spherical movement in which the hologram rests behind the petals and then the petals foster the projection of the dream on to all parts of the dream catcher chakra.  The dream catcher chakra also expands to be a movement that surrounds the creative body in the map to 4500 strands; and this then allows the dream to flow all around oneself in order to more greatly magnetize what you are intending to catch and then be made manifest in physicality and from within.


There are those in this organization demonstrating Tao dreaming already and who have mastered to this level or beyond.  Therefore we see that restoring Tao Dreaming on the surface of the earth is possible.  There are little ones entering the world or who are a few years old that are already demonstrating Tao Dreaming.  These little ones are of the same ancestries as those carving the map of ascension in present time.  There are roughly 28 maps of variant grand master ancestries that are successful at Tao Dreaming; and we are also to experiment and add projection devices to Red Nation Holographic blueprints so that those of this nature can also begin to Tao Dream ahead and as they master to the minimum of 4500 strands.  There are those that succeeded at this already from our recent Intensive in Idaho; so we know that this is also possible and will strive to make available Tao Dreaming to each red nation nature ahead as a result.


Over time Red Nation Holograms are also to be phased out and all that shall remain following the cleansing of Anu holographic nature shall be Grand Master archetypes.  Grand Master archetypes are to be expanded at some point to have more than 28 blueprints to draw from; and this shall occur through the birth of future ascending little ones ahead and from parents that have mastered more greatly a state of full consciousness.  This shall take a minimum of another 150 years of generational map carving ahead to foster; but after this point the entire outer earth shall enter a Tao Dream and all that does not resonate shall perish in physicality.


However you do understand and from the sharing of Ancestor Sara that life does not end in death and so those that shall perish shall carry on either supporting the continued map carving if their inheritances are resonant with the Too Dream; or shall depart going on to a resonant creation of origin related to their inheritances ahead.  Nothing ends really and truly; all carries on until it goes home.  We are going home and so shall everything in this region of domain return home one day as a Tao Dream large enough is orchestrated to cause this.  This too is in the works on the part of the Big Tao Dreamers as they are in need of gathering back all that has fallen out of the Tao Dream and become lost in this dance of the splintering of light medium and dark.




The Big Tao Dreamers are available to co-dream with through the projector through the hologram within.  This Lilliya are discovering; and the Big Tao Dreamers are casting a dream for the restoration of Nomi’s health and Lilliya’s future health; along with each map carver.  Lilliya along with ach map carver has been destined to follow Nomi’s footstep into death; as this was the only dream stepping down the external manifestation planes available ahead.  Therefore a U-Turn was necessary to bring forth another dream other than death for those map carving ascension on the surface of the earth.  This is why Anasonya has extended not only into Lilliya but also each within their program; and also each with map carving or following inheritances ahead.  Therefore Anasonya is available for each who is mapping to attune unto and receive support for your ascension and also for learning to Tao Dream within.


Anasonya has special temples within the Aurora that are made available to connect unto in dream time or meditation time.  All of our meditation CDs available from our products section will also now attune you unto Anasonya as the Inner Earth Mother; and also so shall our web site.  The Inner Earth now extends to the Outer Earth to unite earth into a single energy flow.  That which has been considered Terra and Alfie or outer Earth Mother and Father have been recast in relation to inner earth consciousness so that we can reunite this dream into wholeness again with inner and outer becoming one beautiful energy flow.  This is coming but may take another 100 years of global ascension to foster completely.  (See Products for more infromation.)




You will notice that Anasonya or Inner Earth consciousness does not have a separate masculine and feminine counterpart.  This is because the inner earth never fell into the extreme polarities of thought-form that divide the consensus into masculine and feminine energies.  As a result of this Anasonya is androgynous with both male and female attributes knitted together.  This too is coming for the outer earth consciousness and as self sustainable thought-form is mastered by more humans, dolphins and whales along with the nature kingdoms ahead; the male and female will unite into another type of divine union that is androgynous within the outer earth consensus.  Self sustainable thought-form causes the consensus to reside in the middle path where masculine and feminine are ONE; which is what the Language of ONE is to foster.  The inner earth never fell out of the Language of ONE; only the outer earth.  As the outer earth ascends back into the Language of ONE, then all can be united into a single earth dream that is a Tao Dream for our homecoming ahead.


This is the real path of ascension; to master the Language of ONE within and within the biology.  This has been the journey of Lilliya; and now they give birth to another self in greater self sustainable thought form as Lilliya.  There is no other means to restore the peace and love that once was other than the journey towards this goal.  With the added love of the Tao then the journey not only can succeed, but take us in another direction that was not viable before; and this is towards the return “home” to the Tao.


Anasonya invites those ready for this journey to begin to Tao Dream with her.  As we Tao Dream together, we will dream weave another dream for humanity and one that restores the love unto human civilization.  Love is a prerequisite for Tao Dreaming; for without love there is no dream to attune unto or project from the Tao. T his is also why the opening of the heart is so pivotal to where we are headed.  So we invite those who cannot yet Tao Dream to intend this so and to first and foremost intend that you open the heart; and open the heart to bless and receive larger than you know how.  It is the larger blessings that also purify and foster the Tao Dream to take hold in one’s dance of life.


There shall be no further articles channeled by Lilliya from the male and female Earth Mother and Father.  She has entered a Tao Dream and within this dream the Earth Mother and Father do not exist; only Anasonya and all nature kingdoms that have also learned to Tao Dream from within and in the inner earth.  These kingdoms are not carnivorous as this would be an act of destruction; and so all are vegetarian in the Tao Dream; and all love and bless one another around the clock to maintain the love necessary to sustain the Tao Dream.  The blessings flowing are altering the course of Nomi and Lilliya’s life to redirect each into a dream for continued ascension; and dream that would not be possible without learning to Tao Dream.  So this is so ultimately for each map carver or follower; there is no dream other than death ahead unless one learns to foster a Tao Dream within.


We bless you and leave you with these thoughts








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