Language of Light

Minerals and Single Tones

Mineral:  Rhodocroshite


Rhodocroshite holds the first of the 10 octaves that are the  foundation of the Language of Light.  This mineral holds all tones of forgiveness and will assist one in releasing the past allowing one to create a new future founded upon unity.

Mineral:  Amethyst


Amethyst holds the second octave within the Language of Light.  This mineral will assist one in restructuring one's life and field to become unity based, or in other terms, embrace the flower of life energy flow.

Mineral: Amber


Amber, which is the result of the formation of a mineral from melting trees during the Annanuki nuclear annihilation, holds the new tone of power in the Language of Light.  Amber will assist ascending initiates in embracing authentic power which allows one to stand in one's truth in all that one does without the need to manipulate, control or subordinate others.  Amber also assists in the repair of the emotional body in ascension.

Mineral:  Aventurine


Aventurine holds the vibration of compassion.  Aventurine will assist initiates in perceiving one's own life dance or the dance of others from the foundation of compassion, which understands from inside the human experience all dances, and in so understanding forgives and embraces all others in love regardless of circumstance. 

Mineral:  Yellow Calcite


Yellow Calcite is holding the breath of life tone in the Language of Light.  Calcite will assist initiates in finding their creative self expression in ascension, and open unto one's own abilities to become the dreamer and the dream.  Yellow calcite also assists in the repair of the creative body in ascension.


Mineral:  Hematite

Hematite holds the vibration of non-conditional love in the Language of Light.  Hematite will assist initiates in learning to release their attachment to other people, places, possessions, pets or plants so that one may learn non-conditional love in the dance of life. Hematite assists with the repair of the etheric body in ascension.

Mineral: Citrine


Citrine holds the tones of Freedom in the language of light.  Citrine will assist ascending initiates in letting go of the circumstances that bind one into a dance that imprisons by freeing one from the karma that is associated.


8.  DIVINE UNION Mineral:  Vesuvianite


Vesuvianite holds the pastel tones of lavender or Divine Union which are also known as "erasure" tones.  Vesuvianite will assist initiates in erasing the past giving birth to a new future.  Vesiuvianite will also assist initiates in learning to commune with one's soul, oversoul and source along with the earth mother.

Mineral:  Rose Quartz

Rose quartz holds the vibration of unity consciousness in the Language of Light.  Rose quartz will assist initiates in perceiving their relations from the perspective of unity in which the greatest good of the whole prevails.  In one's life dance that equates to only that which supports one's ascension prevails as a life choice.  For earth, it is only that which allows global ascension to prevail that is a unity based global choice.

Mineral:  Tigers Eye or Rutilated Quartz

Tigers Eye or Rutilated Quartz holds the vibration of Non-Conditional Governance in the Language of Light.  Tigers Eye or Rutilated Quartz will assist initiates in anchoring a new form of leadership that is non-conditional, honors, supports, and augments the birth of unity consciousness within a group.

Mineral:  Moonstone

Moonstone holds the tone of Jurisdiction in the Language of Light.  Moonstone will assist initiates in holding their boundaries so that one may ascend in ease.

12.  HOPE
Mineral: Pyrite


Pyrite holds the tone of hope of hope in the Language of Light.  Pyrite will assist initiates in pulling through the difficult times in ascension, not losing hope of the unity and joy ahead.

13.  PEACE
Mineral:  Chrysocolla


Chrysocolla is holding the vibration of peace in the language of light.  Crysocolla will assist initiates in finding one's way back into harmony and peace again after each rise in vibration.

Mineral:  Topaz


Topaz is holding the vibration of abundance in the language of light.  Topaz will assist initiates in balancing giving and receiving so that there is always enough.

Mineral: Argonite


Argonite is holding the vibration of prosperity in the language of light.  Argonite will assist initiates in understanding the living principals of abundance in which all that is needed is provided for.  Argonite will also assist initiates in learning not to save, as saving sends messages to the universe to withhold; for real prosperity to occur one must have fluidity in which all that comes in goes out, and then the next need allows for more to come in as it is needed.

Mineral:  Sodalite


Sodalite is holding the vibration of magnitude in the language of light.  Sodalite will assist in allowing one to see the bigger picture of one's current life dance and the spiritual lessons one is currently working upon as an ascending initiate.  Sodalite will also assist in bringing what is unconscious to consciousness so that one may better perceive the underlying truth in any life dance.

Mineral: Dolomite


Dolomite is holding the vibration of intuition in the language of light.  Dolomite will assist initiates in tuning into one's soul, oversoul and source along with earth mother for guidance.  Dolomite will also assist in the repair of the intuitive body in ascension.


Mineral:  Iolite


Iolite holds the function tone in the language of light.  Iolite will assist initiates in the process of transmutation of thought-form from non-unity to unity based energy flow.  Iolite will also assist one in de-mechanizing the field so that more soul may infuse the etheric body, subtle bodies and light body.

Mineral:  Danburite


Danburite holds the tone of perseverance in the language of light.  Danburite will assist initiates in pushing forth in their ascension journey, overcoming the internal demons in the act of inner transcendence.  Danburite is also useful in the repair of the will centers in ascension.

Mineral:  Aquamarine


Aquamarine holds the tone of stealth in the language of light.  Aquamarine assists initiates in opening to integrating the unconscious at a pace that sustains one's health and well being as an ascending human. 

Mineral: C


Cinnebar holds the vibration of consciousness in the language of light.  Cinnebar will assist initiates in opening to conscious dreamtime, allowing for greater awareness of the nonphysical realms that surround oneself.

Mineral: Sugalite


Sugalite is holding the vibration of internal in the language of light.  Sugalite will assist initiates in turning inward and uncovering the internal patterning at cause of any creation in one's life dance so that one may choose to transcend it, and create something different into the future.

Mineral:  Ruby


Ruby holds the vibration of external in the language of light.  Ruby will assist initiates in balancing the active with the inactive time in one's dance so that ones' outer and inner focus come to balance.  Ruby will also assist with understanding how the outer mirrors the internal state of being so that one's thought-form, karma and ancestral experiences can come to light.

Mineral:  Watermelon Tourmaline


Tourmaline holds the tone of oneness in the language of light.  Tourmaline will assist initiates in healing the masculine and feminine within to allow for the emergence of a state of greater unity, in which all is supported in the dance of life.

25.  TRUTH
Mineral:  Jasper


Jasper holds the vibration of truth in the language of light.  Each initiates is ascending into a particular truth related to the new astrology and the language of light.  Jasper will assist one in uncovering the proper truth or new astrology sign related to one's biological inheritance that one is ascending into.  See "A New Astrology for a New Millennia for more information."

Mineral:  Apophyllite


Apophyllite holds the vibration of action in the language of light.  Apophyllite will assist initiates in taking action to bring forth changes in the physical plane that support ascension.  Ascension requires change, and often initiates may find oneself stagnating upon one's path.  If this is the case, call upon apophyllite to bring forth the chi required to augment the change.

Mineral:  Annabergite


Annabergite holds the tone of fluidity in the language of light.  Annabergite will assist initiates in surrendering to the changes inherent in ascension, allowing the old foundation of disunity to crumble and the new foundation of unity to be constructed in one's life dance.

Mineral: Lorimar

Lorimar holds the vibration of purpose in the Language of Light.  Lorimar will assist initiates in holding solid in their course of ascension and evolution home.  In projects, Lorimar will assist on in staying on course, each step or phase of the way.

Mineral: Andesine


Andesine holds the vibration of integrity in the language of light.  Andesine will assist initiates in coming to a state of integrity in all that one does, in which both oneself and all others dance in balanced giving and receiving.

Mineral:  Graphite


Graphite holds the tone of balance in the language of light.  Graphite will assist one in balancing one's field each day, week or month of one's ascension.  Graphite will assist initiates in coming to understand the dance of dark and light so that one can forgive and move to the new dance of unity in it's place.  Graphite will also assist in the repair of the mental body in ascension.

31.  HONOR
Mineral: Emerald


Emerald holds the vibration of honor in the language of light.  Emerald will assist initiates in learning to honor oneself and all others in the dance of life.  Honor acknowledges that all humans are god goddess in form; and all species are likewise god goddess in form.  A state of honor allows the new foundation of equality to emerge.

32.  DREAM
Mineral:  Gold


Gold holds the vibration of dream in the language of light.  Gold will assist initiates in learning to consciously dream weave and become the dreamer and the dream.  In other terms, gold will assist one in learning to direct one's life dance through conscious intention.

Mineral: Kyanite


Kyanite holds the vibration of illusion in the language of light.  Kyanite will assist initiates in lifting the veils of illusion that surround oneself and others to get at the truth of the patterning, karma or dance underneath.

Mineral: Kunzite


Kunzite is holding the tone of passion in the language of light.  Kunzite will assist initiates in uncovering what their passion is and then assist each to dream weave a dream that includes such a preoccupation.  Passion is a necessary ingredient in the act of manifestation in the unity paradigm.

Mineral: Herkimer


Herkimer holds the vibration of creativity in the language of light.  Herkimer will assist initiates in moving the creative energy necessary to manifest one's dream, anchoring it down the seven planes of manifestation.

Mineral:  Lepidolite


Lepidolite will assist in moving the sexual energy through the many channels of the etheric body, subtle bodies and light body of an ascending field.  If one has experienced sexual based trauma in present life or ancestral life, Lepidolite will assist one in healing such trauma.  Lepidolite will also assist initiates in communing with the element of fire.

Mineral:  Peridot


Peridot holds the tone of friendship in the language of light.  Peridot will assist initiates in transcending from karmic friendships or relationships in the dance of life to one's that are founded upon soul agreement.  Unity is only sustained by soul agreements, and therefore peridot will assist in the development of unity based relations.

Mineral:  Sapphire


Sapphire holds the tone of communion in the language of light.  Sapphire will assist initiates in learning to commune with the nature kingdoms, earth along with one's soul, oversoul and source.  Sapphire will also assist initiates in retaining a clear connection to one's source and I AM presence.

Mineral:  Clear Quartz


Clear quartz holds the tone of dance of life in the language of light.  Quartz will assist initiates in drawing just the right parties to one's life experience to allow the karma to be settled in order to ascend.  Quartz will assist in drawing others who are ascending into one's life dance for the purposes of building an ascending community.  Quartz will also assist initiates in connecting to the element of air.

Mineral:  Desert Rose


Desert rose holds the tones of community in the language of light.  Desert rose holds holographic information on the structure of unity based community. Desert rose will assist those who are choosing to create a unity based group in ascending into the necessary dance to allow community to be born.

Mineral:  Titanium


Titanium holds the vibration of honesty in the language of light.  Titanium will assist initiates in releasing the masks and armoring that surrounding all humans to allow one's authentic self to be born.  The authentic self hides not one's emotions but embraces oneself and all others as they are in the moment unconditionally.

Mineral: Rhodizite


Rhodizite holds the vibration of communication in the language of light. Rhodizite will assist initiates in better understanding one's own guidance, the earth mother and one's soul, oversoul and source.  Rhodizite will also assist in better understanding between members of groups who are ascending, or communication in ascending community.

Mineral:  Obsidian


Obsidian holds the vibration of unseen worlds in the language of light.  Obsidian will assist initiates in accessing the void or womb from which one's own dream is cast in the act of dream weaving.  The void is the place from which any dream is woven, and is filled with all components that sustain life or a living dream.



Gypsum holds the vibration of unspoken worlds in the language of light.  Gypsum will assist initiates in communicating with unspoken species including the plant, animal and mineral, dolphin and whale kingdoms.  Gypsum will also assist in communication with non-verbal species of a multidimensional nature.

Mineral:  Celestite

Celestite holds the vibration of underwater worlds in the language of light.  Celestite will assist initiates in communing with the element of water and discovering the peace that such communion brings.  Celestite will also assist initiates in uncovering lifetimes that one's soul has had in the sea such as within the dolphin and whale species, and communing with such species in present time.

Mineral:  Turquoise

Turquoise holds the vibration of worlds upon the land within the language of light.  Turquoise will assist one in coming into harmony, unity and balance with all sentient species upon the land, including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.  Turquoise will augment the clearing of karma for the misuse of the land in one's ancestry.  Turquoise will also assist initiates in communing with the element of earth.

Mineral:  Rutile


Rutile is holding the tone of human species in the language of light.  The human species holds a special function upon earth which is related to the ability to discern patterns through the dance of life of a cast of characters.  Rutile assists initiates in understanding the ancestral cast of characters that one is related to so that one may release the related karma and ascend.  One can say that Rutile assists one in connecting to their ancient ancestors.

Mineral:  Diamond

Diamond is holding the vibration of God Goddess within the language of light.  Diamond will assist initiates in tuning into the magnificence of one's own god goddess within.  Diamond will also assist initiates in embracing all others as god goddess in form.

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HOME | Language of Light | Single Tones | Single Tones and Minerals | Single Tones and HerbsSingle Tones and Essential Oils

Dual Tones 49-70 | Dual Tones 71-80 Dual Tones 81-96 | Dual Tone and Herbs Dual Tones and Minerals

Tri Tones 97-112 | Tri Tones 113-136 | Tri Tones and Herbs | More Tri Tones and Herbs | How to Utilize


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