Tri Tones 97-112
Symbols through Lilliya and Text through Thomas Weber, "Oasantar"


97. Infinite Oneness
Nature: Active
97. Infinite Oneness
The Symbols of God/Goddess and Oneness
Infinite Oneness allows forever or expansiveness to experience the moment. The application of infinite oneness expanses the moment into the opportunity of all possible expressions. Only in the leaning one way or another is the expression of the moment cast until the next moment's leaning. The movement from all possibility to a moment expression is action directed from a point of balance.

98. Symbolic
Nature: Passive
98. Symbolic
The Symbols Balance, Dream and Communication
Symbolic allows for moment to moment coherence. The translation of any possibility requires the interweaving of all the possible moments perhaps viewed as links or chains of experience, each moment leading to many possible moments. Each possible experience contains within itself all the expressions that are woven so as to maintain balance in creation. Symbolic in the passive weaving is the predisposition for completion.

99. Inspiration
Nature: Integrative
99. Inspiration
The Symbols Passion, Creativity and Purpose
99 Inspiration combines a moment movement within a structure to allow fulfillment of the moment. Each creational moment emboldens the next moment to a more expansive mode of expression. Forever can be seen as momentary brilliance expanding into itself, full and complete, leaving open to the next moment the possibility for brilliance and completion, directed and molded through inspiration.

100. Creative Self Expression
Nature: Active
100. Creative Self-Expression
The Symbols External, Breath of Life and Passion
Creative Self-Expression is that which supports structurally and with vision the directed movement of actualized expression. The lean of the moment translated into all the necessary movement and pushed forward through creative self-expression into each moment's moment, expanding and elaborating the unknown from potential into actual experience. The pathway from the possible to the complete is directed through creative self-expression.

101. Collaborative Dream
Nature: Passive
101. Collaborative Dream
The Symbols Dream, Community and Function
Collaborative Dream allows for structure within which creative self-expression can actualize. Each potential moment of self-expression longs for a context of fulfillment, each moment being defined by the context. Each moment's brilliance is derived from the canvas, the backdrop, the reason for being, the mechanism for actualization of potential requires the pull and the attraction to come forth into experience.

102. Collaborative Structure
Nature: Integrative
102. Collaborative Structure
The Symbols Community, Structure and Human Species
Collaborative Structure integrates movement and the attraction to come forth into the experience of the moment. Each moment contains the individualized creative self-expression and the collaborative dream such that each contributes the moment into the moment to create the ever-expanding experience. Each expansion of the moment widens the known, the actualized, and thereby widens the potential, the possibility.

103. Collaborative Creations
Nature: Active
103. Collaborative Creations
The Symbols Dance of Life, Fluidity and Divine Union
Collaborative Creations allows the push toward the greater moment. Each successive action increment provides a more complete, stronger push across the moment to fuel the expansion into brilliance required by the moment. Flow is, action is. All desires to express through movement beyond the present, forever in the moment, expansion in the now.

104. Collaborative Unity
Nature: Passive
104. Collaborative Unity
The Symbols Honor, Unity and Integrity
Collaborative Unity allows the flow of creation through action to have the parameters of expression. Collaborative Unity exerts a boundary or limit such that creative action moves in alignment with the greatest good. The combination of overlays for each moment creates the magnitude of expression as well as influencing the possible direction. This allows the moments to align with intent such that all moments contribute in harmony.

105. Collaborative Governance
Nature: Integrative
105. Collaborative Governance
The Symbols Non-Conditional Governance, Stealth and Communication
Collaborative Governance integrates momentum and design from the moment into the moment. All possibilities are accounted for and provided the opportunity to express through the moment. Fullness and completeness are implicit for all expression is equally important. The opportunity to express is provided equally, fully and completely until completion is expressed and the moment is complete. Each completed moment gives up its essence into the greater moment driving toward greater completion.

106. Consensus Reality
Nature: Completion
106. Consensus Reality
The Symbols Communion, Jurisdiction and Power
Consensus Reality is a completion tone that combines the capabilities of all previous nine tones. This tone allows the segmenting and combination of moments so larger explorations can be expressed. Great thought is simplicity in grandeur, fulfilled upon in the smallest of tasks, completion in the moment. The greater good of the whole driving each moment into a brilliance achieved only as the small and the large emulated unto one other, each seeking fulfillment and completion through unity of expression.

107. Human Kingdoms
Nature: Active
107. The Human Kingdom
The Symbols Land-Based Worlds, Human Species and Non-Conditional Love
The Human Kingdom holds the non-conditional love tone for the consensus reality known as Earth. An action tone drives the movement of the consensus towards completion both in the moment, but in the larger moment's) as well. Human stewardship is inherent in the action and drive toward completion and each aspect of the non-conditional love tone caresses those around it in the dance outward beckoning each into becoming more than expected causing each moment to expand in fullness.

108. The Plant Kingdom
Nature: Passive
108. The Plant Kingdom
The Symbols Land-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and Compassion
The Plant Kingdoms holds the compassion tone for the consensus reality known as Earth. This tone forms the fabric of expression and provides the possibilities for human kingdom to express through. By holding the structure for expression, the plant kingdoms allows for the greatest good through molding the action of human kingdom into a movement of unity and harmony tempered with compassion. Compassion filters action into grace, wholeness and completeness in the moment.

109. The Mineral Kingdoms
Nature: Integrative
109. The Mineral Kingdoms
The Symbols Land-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and Forgiveness
The Mineral Kingdoms holds the forgiveness tone for the consensus reality known as Earth. This tone folds the movement and structure of human and plant kingdoms into the multifaceted expressions of grandeur in the moment, holding all the possibility and directing flow into the greatest good. Forgiveness applied allows what might have been into what could be, bringing forth the brilliance of any moment in the clearing of evolution or ascension.

110. Animal Kingdoms
Nature: Active
110. The Animal Kingdoms
The Symbols Land-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and Divine Union
The Animal Kingdoms holds divine union tone for the consensus reality known as Earth. Moving from a basis of balanced male-female, animal kingdom seeks to create a consensus in agreement with itself as the inherent push to evolve creates all possible paths including movement from balance, which includes movement into balance. All paths or moments of creation move within the harmony of the divine union, painting the strokes, pushing toward completion.

111. Dolphin Kingdoms
Nature: Passive
111. The Dolphin Kingdoms
The Symbols Water-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and Freedom
The Dolphin Kingdoms holds the freedom tone for consensus reality known as Earth. Freedom to create and freedom to be expresses through open-ended possibility of the moment broadening or narrowing the strokes of animal kingdoms and human kingdoms into the harmonic openings allowed by the greatest good. This allows for the fulfillment upon the union of vision that opened the dance of the consensus and expanding beyond what has been into what is unseen and unknown.

112. Whale Kingdoms
Nature: Integrative
112. The Whale Kingdoms
The Symbols Water-Based Worlds, Unspoken Worlds and Breath of Life
The Whale Kingdoms holds the breath of life tone for the consensus reality known as Earth. This tone allows for the expansion and contraction or movement in the moment of the expressions of Animal kingdoms, Dolphin kingdoms and Human kingdoms, each of which contribute to directed expansion. The breath modulates the tempo of evolution and holds the possibility for the different expressions, modes, and colorations, all the while striving towards completion in each moment and each moment's moment.


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Tri Tones 97-112 | Tri Tones 113-136 | Tri Tones and Herbs | More Tri Tones and Herbs | How to Utilize

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