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Breath of Life


& Counselling

to the








Heather Harmony

e-mail:  truedreamer1@gmail.com


As I write this the school is in the process of bridging from a foundation of consensus ascension into light based studies, along with a focus on beloved counterpart and twin karma. As the light studies were introduced, my body said “ahh, this feels good”. I resonate with and hold boundaries much better in running beneficial light patterns. Also my world service truth is “world service in relationship” and so I am mapping this for my inheritance.

I first shut my heart in this lifetime as an infant and I recall feeling that I did not like my karmic family placement as most of them loved me in an inverse language. As a child I did not have a sense of inner connection as I sent half my consciousness elsewhere so I would not feel so deeply. My sensitive body did not lie however and I had frequent headaches and other symptoms when the energy was sour. With inner family healing and editing brought in from a parallel life, I now recall deep communion with nature, the joy of simply being, and fun, creative energy as a little girl. Once a little older and as I felt valued by peers, I brought back some of the consciousness I had sent away. By my late teens I had found the karma of rejection by a beloved, which triggered my deep pattern of a lack of self-love to the surface.

The lack of self-love acted out in various self-destructive ways. However I kept “achieving” on the outside and I graduated with a degree in social work and began a career as a counsellor. This focus in my work allowed me to move away from the more obvious forms of self-destruction and take steps in personal growth until I began a more conscious path of ascension. As a counsellor for more than 20 years now, I am happy to say the last 10 have come along with my conscious ascension and I have learned to separate from the unconscious dance of the “psychology movement” that is not supportive to ascension.

In my late 20s I married thanks to the persistent “baby being” hanging around that really wanted to come through. Of the marriage I knew I was settling for someone who wanted me superficially, and whom I did not really want and I told myself “we’ll grow to love each other”. I had an underlying belief that whomever I would want to be with, wouldn’t really want me. When I gave birth to a girl, there was much inner fulfillment and I opened my heart to love her deeply. I intended to love her unconditionally in the way that I had always wanted to be loved. Within a few years, and with my heart opened further, I had grown too much in my awareness and departed the marriage.

I began a spiritual search that involved courses in meditation, energy healing, tai chi, yoga, dance, and eventually I settled my focus on the red road. I started to develop my ability to commune with the Earth Mother and Nature Kingdoms. I found the SSOA website in 2000 and have embraced my truth to live the ascending life ever since. There have been so many gifts from the work of conscious ascension, I hardly know how to express it. A few examples are: given my patterns of a lack of self-love and much disease karma in the ancestry, my life script is turning out much differently than it would have otherwise; I have been able to bring in fulfilling creative expressions from parallel lives including music; I have developed a beloved relationship with another in the school; and I am learning to keep opening my heart which causes me to love everyone and everything, and live life more gently and with compassion. I am deeply grateful for all that has been mapped in transformational ascension and very excited to be involved in the next wave of light based studies.

I am happy to provide ascension consultations or counselling on any topics of your choice. If it resonates to do some work together, we will anchor the most supportive aspect of the Tao Redirection that relates to you, along with compatible aspects of the Earth Mother, the Nature Kingdoms and the amalgamated ancestors. I love movement and change and offer to support others in catalyzing needed changes.

Also, now the parent of a young adult who has travelled along with my conscious ascension from age 8, I offer ascending parenting support; and in my work as a counsellor I have much experience with children and teens and would be happy to do consultations for others who want to work with these ages ascension-style.

For those who deeply desire to step into the fulfillment of creative self-expression and may be having some challenges, I offer support and navigation through one’s process.

I offer individual consultations for $70 Canadian equivalent, $60 per session for two or three sessions booked in a two or three month period; or for a planned series of counselling we will determine the rate in balanced giving and receiving.

