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Divine Union Study Program 2011
Facilitated by the Tao through Lilliya Mahalani

Name ______________________________________________________________________

Street ______________________________________________________________________

City, Zip Code and Country _____________________________________________________

Telephone ___________________________________________________________________

E-mail ______________________________________________________________________

I am registering for the

___Self Study Program
(includes one 90 min. consultation with Lilliya per half year)
Amount Enclosed  ($250 donation per half year or $375 for couples)

 ___Divine Union Study Program
Events to be attended   Idaho___   Sweden____  Taos____
Amount Enclosed ($1000 donation per half year or $1500 for couples) 
(includes two 90 min. consultations with Lilliya per half year)
Note:  Location information will be forwarded by e-mail

Please make payable to

Karen Danrich
2900 North Government Way #215
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815  USA

Note:  We prefer checks, money orders or travelers checks
or you can make special arrangements. 
Please e-mail Lilliya@lightwavesynergy.org to arrange.

Please print this registration form and
include it with your letter or copy it into an email and send it.
Thank you.