Ascension Re-Defined:

The Source of All through Lilliya
July 6, 2001


Source of One through Karen Danrich "Mila"
June 14, 2001

There is a great need to give to the body that which the body requires in order to ascend. Ascension can be an uncomfortable process, and to the degree that one denies the form whatever is required to ascend, to such a degree one prolongs the discomfort. The discomfort can come from body pain during which that which has died, scarred or decayed is being resurrected and reconstituted. Pain can also be emotional as one processes through the drama and trauma that remains from one's ancient ancestry. To the degree one fails to support the form in detoxification or feed the form the foods necessary to ascend, to such a degree one prolongs the period of pain, whether the pain be physical or emotional in nature.

We therefore make some suggestions and guidelines for ascending folk such that they provide the form that which is required during each phase of ascension. For some, seeing a chiropractor, nutritionist, acupuncturist, homeopath, or massage/aromatherapy specialist may also be vital or helpful depending upon one's constitution at the beginning of their journey. Some forms are more decayed than others, some more scarred than others. Some may even begin their journey already diseased, and yes ascension can transmute disease if one's form is strong enough to handle the detoxification inherent in ascension.

With a diseased form, the process of ascension is modified to address the weakest organs first, repairing them so that they can support the whole of the form in the continued detoxification necessary to ascend. In some cases, the genetic materials may be modified by one's soul in a variety of ways to support the recovery of a specific disease. We have had success in reversing heart disease, even following a heart attack. This individual's heart grid work and biological ascension was taken to 5000 strands in the heart and circulatory system after the remainder of the body arrived at 1024. In essence, all ascension beyond 1024 was focused upon the recovery of the heart. Once the heart had recovered, this individual could proceed through bringing the remainder of the form to 5000 strands of DNA.

We also have had several recovery cases of epilepsy. Epilepsy is caused by an exorbitant amount of electrical energy running through the nervous system. The cause of such tends to be karma, and as the karma is released, and the electrical sacred geometry dismantled in full, a full recovery cane indeed come forth. Some folk suffering from Epilepsy will have a nervous system that has decayed more greatly than one that has not suffered from such a problem. This is simply the result of how electricity shatters the energy flow of a magnetic based form that this is so. (See  "Great Central Sun Transmissions" for more information.) As a result, it may be that the nervous system requires repairing and bringing forth to a higher initiatory level before the remainder of the form ascends. This has successfully worked in two known cases of epilepsy to date.

We have had cases of autoimmune dysfunction in which the spleen, kidneys and liver were terribly compromised. In these test-case ascensions, the spleen kidney and liver were addressed above and beyond the remainder of the form after transiting 1024. In one case the spleen, liver and kidneys were built to 2500 strands before the remainder of the body was addressed. This allowed enough recovery that this individual was no longer sleeping most of the day and could begin to function again in the world. In yet another more severe test case, the kidney, liver and spleen were taken all the way to 5000 strands, again allowing for a recovery of the fatigue associated with an infection of such viruses.

Autoimmune diseases have been traced to the inoculation system that the human species utilizes. Apparently the inoculation system introduces 7 new viruses, and it may be caused by the actual manner in which the inoculations are derived. We have no scientific evidence of this, but in reading the origin of all such viruses, they were not a part of the genetic structure from birth, but rather were introduced at whatever age the human was inoculated. This causes one to believe that the inoculations themselves somehow create the entrance for the related viruses into the form. We would therefore guide ascending humans to refrain from further inoculations altogether, and to choose not to inoculate your ascending children. Here in the United States, one may choose such based upon religious beliefs, and schools and medical practitioners accept this as a spiritual choice.

Mila was not inoculated at an early age. Her parents chose not to for spiritual reasons. We have no record of any of the 7 autoimmune viruses being present in her system until she was 20. At the age of 20, Mila stepped upon a rusty nail while in college, which became infected, and she was guided to have one tetanus shot by the local medical establishment. It was at the age of 20 that the 7 viruses for autoimmune diseases appeared in her genetic records, which includes the virus that causes Aides, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Chronic Fatigue, Carpal Tunnel and a host of other diseases of similar nature. Our channel is not a medical professional and so her language is limited surrounding medical diagnosis as a result.

For Mila, at age 20, the tetanus shot promptly erupted into a case of mononucleosis in which her spleen enlarged. Interestingly enough her physical weakness from this point forward was the kidney, spleen liver energy flow in Chinese Medicine. During her pregnancy, she developed a case of low platelets, which was diagnosed as again an autoimmune dysfunction occurring in her spleen, which was destroying the blood. During her ascension to 1024, the autoimmune dysfunction that erupted in her pregnancy resurfaced, and she treated it with a host of immune support herbs until the virus involved was detoxified from the form. This took roughly six months. After she transcended this phase of ascension, such symptoms have never erupted again.

We have record of an additional 7 sets of viruses as being a part of the ancient human genetic structure in the ascension records gathered thus far for those embracing Bodhisattva in their personal ascension. Such viruses include Herpes, Hepatitis, Rubella, Mumps, Measles, Chicken Pox, and Small Pox. Interestingly enough, these viruses are remnants of crystalline cellular structure that once held a supportive role in the overall cellular structure of the form. Such groups of viruses are altered to their supportive role a little at a time as one attains Full Consciousness in their personal ascension.

All viruses, including the autoimmune viruses, tend to be stored in the nervous system of the form regardless if one has had a related disease or not. Such viruses can reproduce in the soft tissue between the spinal column known as the "disks". From our analysis, many a "slipped disk" is really a virus that has reproduced so much that the soft tissue of the spinal cord that it has become compromised enough to fail to hold it's structural function. One will find the Herpes virus stored in the lumbar region of the spine, Hepatitis in the sacral area, Rubella in the middle back, and all Autoimmune diseases behind the heart and between the shoulder blades. Mumps is stored in the neck region, Measles in the brainstem and Chicken Pox and Small Pox in the brain itself.

As one ascends, all viruses stored in the nervous system shall surface to be cleared. Building the immune system is important to all ascending beings as a result. We recommend immune system building herbs as the desired treatment as such. Often back pain or "pinched nerves" will occur as certain portions of the soft tissue between the disks or spinal cord itself is being transmuted, especially if such a region has become compromised by heavy reproduction and storage of a particular virus. During such moments, we advise the use of such muscle relaxant herbs.

For those with autoimmune problems, building the immune system is paramount to the success of ascension. We guide such ascending humans to seek out those substances that support the immune system. Interestingly enough, as Mila's partner Oa transcended a portion of his ascension nearing Full Consciousness late last year, the same symptoms erupted of an autoimmune disease that Mila had experienced early in her ascension. This caused Oa great tiredness to a point in which he would fall asleep in front of his computer. He chose to treat the symptoms with almost the identical set of herbs Mila had utilized many years prior. Indeed, his system has recovered and he has not experienced any further symptoms since.

In ascension, one addresses all emotional issues in the human dance. Each is born with a particular set of emotional issues, which are related to a particular region of the form that is healthy or diseased, and a particular set of viruses in the nervous system. To the degree that such a region has been compromised from birth, to such a degree disease or decay may be present in greater amounts than in other areas of the form. If one ascends however to full consciousness, one shall address all weaknesses, and may find that what affects one initiate early on in ascension affects yet another later on. In essence, the human genetics is one large wheel of patterns that must be transcended in full if one is to embrace a state of full consciousness in this lifetime.

With all herbs, we recommend liquid tinctures over the dried variety. There is more life force in the liquid than in that which has been dried. Also, often the liquid contains a form of alcohol. One may bless the herb by running chi from your soul through the crown and out the hands each time one utilizes the tincture, thereby adding whatever tones or the Language of Light one needs to proceed through the next phase of ascension. Alcohol can hold more tones than water or glycerin. However, one can also have a shot or two of tequila or fine gin as a substitute again blessing it with the vibrations necessary to ascend.

Mila found tequila and gin helpful during certain phases of ascension. Tequila assisted in clearing the debris out of her circulatory system and lymph. Much in the manner that tequila burns the throat upon consumption, if enough enters the bloodstream and lymph over a few months and in large enough quantities, the blood stream and lymph are "burned" clean! For a six-month period, she would have glass after glass of tequila each night, and tequila became the main drink at her weekly ascension meetings in Hawaii. This passed as her form no longer required this type of cleansing, but she still has a shot or two from time to time to this day when she craves it.

Good gin is made of a combination of up to 36 distilled herbs. Last year, Mila found herself craving gin in larger amounts, particularly the fine gin from England or France. This too served as the residue of the herbs had a tonic effect on her blood, which allowed yet another set of toxins to be cleared from the circulatory system. During later phases of ascension, the gluten between the cells is modified, and the old gluten must be detoxified. This too collects in the blood and lymph causing sludge, which was easily melted away with the consumption of a fair amount gin. Once the gin had fulfilled upon it's purpose over a few months, Mila has not craved it in particular since.

With the drinking of spirits, one should always bless them by clearing the serpents or thought-form from the spirits that might be detrimental to one's ascension and then consume in joy and thanks to the divas and plants behind the alcohol. One may accomplish this by holding the glass between the hands and running the tones of the Language of Light through the crown and out the hand chakras until the contents have been cleared in full (may take several minutes).

The blessing of all that one consumes has become a way of life for Mila and Oa. They bless all food sources that they consume, along with all humans or kingdoms that surround them wherever they go. This leads to joy as they feel the love pouring through their heart chakras often causing others to light up in joy around them, and replenishes the kingdoms of enough chi to continue to provide the necessary nourishment for those whom are ascending worldwide.

The act of blessing also calls soul back to the food. Most food, which has been raised in an unconscious manner, has lost its soul as the soul has retracted in pain. In the act of blessing, one calls back the soul behind the meat, vegetable or grain, eggs or dairy products, and then one can commune with the spirit behind the food. This not only allows one to commune with the souls behind the food, but transfers chi back to the related kingdom so that more food can come forth to feed mankind.

Mila and Oa have recently gone vegetarian. However they would not recommend this to those below 36,000 strands of DNA or before attaining a state of full consciousness. The body requires so much protein to transmute the scar tissue and decay in particular that depriving the form of the amino acid requirements would cause ascension to be so slow, one would end up in greater pain and would perhaps be better off not ascending at all. For a one-year period, Mila could not stand cooked flesh, and chose to eat sushi 3 to 4 times per week instead. The requirement for amino acids was so great at this time that this barely provided what was needed. She supplemented this with a lot of omelets several mornings per week.

As one attains Full Consciousness, the body ceases to produce the "death hormone" in the pituitary. As this occurs, it not longer is suitable to eat anything that has died that is animal in nature. All dead flesh contains the death hormone in small amounts, which will kill the cells in a form that have transcended death internal to itself. The dead flesh also re-introduces the thought-form of death and warfare, which one transcends in full as they attain a state of full consciousness.

The requirements for each phase of ascension will always vary from initiate to initiate depending upon the health of the form, the age of the form, or whether or not the form is diseased. If an organ is diseased, and is being transmuted in full before the remainder of the form is addressed, a very different diet than what we are recommending may be advised. One can follow their cravings, as the body will always know what it needs. One may also muscle test their needs at each meal. (See steps for muscle testing under the "Messages from the Earth Mother" section upon our web site for more information.)

Initiations 1 through 1024

During this period, the healthy cells within the form are being converted to Crystalline. This requires a lot of cholesterol to accomplish. Cholesterol from eggs is perhaps the best source for this as eggs hold the added benefit of a biochemical component necessary for growth that is present as eggs are in the process of growing into a chick at the time that they are consumed. This helps support the return of HGH or Human Growth Hormone to the system.

For the average human, eggs or an omelet every other day or 3 to 4 times per week are recommended during this period along with a balanced diet of grains, vegetables and fruit. Cooked meat may provide some cholesterol, although not necessarily the biochemical growth component. One may also crave salt as the crystalline cell holds more salt and less potassium than the non-crystalline cell. Allow the salt to be consumed, but follow it with lots of fluids to allow the potassium to be detoxified through the kidneys.

One of the major symptoms during this period along with the ascension that follows is bloating. The bloating may cause one to feel "sticky" or sweat more than normal. It may also make one feel "stiff". The stiffness is the result of the collecting of potassium chloride in the muscles themselves. One may also find that their sweat "smells bad" and this is the result of the toxins, which are beginning to flow through the pours of the skin. This is also true for the period of ascension that follows.

We have made many suggestions about baths, swimming, saunas, steam rooms, and mud baths. We recommend all of such throughout the ascension process and as much as one has time for such things. To the degree one can detoxify, and indeed the skin is a major organ through which most toxins can be pulled in a bath or act of swimming, to such a degree the ascension shall come forth at a more rapid speed.

We also recommend mild daily exercise such as a 45-minute walk or swim to commune with nature and move the energy of the field and form. One may also utilize the kundahlini and grounding meditations in our Messages from the Earth Mother section of the site. (see "Supporting the Form in Ascension" for more information).

To assist in the detoxification of the kidneys, liver, spleen and bowels, we also recommend the consumption of watermelon or watermelon juice and/or grapes as they are in season throughout one's ascension. Watermelon is better than grapes as grapes can alter the pH of the form, whereas watermelon is a more neutral and therefore can be consumed in greater amounts without effecting the pH.

A too acidic or basic body pH leads to yeast and other problems, and therefore balancing the pH of the form is helpful in this regard. Watermelon is not only more neutral in pH but contains a substance that is helpful in dissolving the fat utilized in pastries and frostings that tends to collect in the ducts of the kidneys and liver over time. It also contains a gentle bulk that has a laxative effect upon the colon.

Parasite Cleanse

All initiates may wish to muscle test if they are infested with parasites. Parasites can effect the pH of the form by causing it to become overly acidic, which then causes the growth of yeast which can infest the entire form. The yeast eats away at healthy tissue as it roots which then must be repaired in the act of ascension.

Parasites themselves are hosts to bacteria and viruses, and some theories believe that most western diseases are related to parasites in present time. (See "A Cure for All Diseases" by Helda Clark for more information.) One symptom of yeast and parasites is a lot of gas and flatulence and an inability to digest food well. Recurring yeast infections in the vaginal tract are another symptom for women.

Parasites are in all foods that one eats, from raw vegetables to cooked meat, along with sushi. If one has a lack of certain digestive enzymes that digest proteins, the eggs of the parasites fail to be digested in the stomach and then go on to infest the intestinal tract. The intestinal worms then lay more eggs which go on to spread throughout the entire form moving through the circulatory system into major organs and glands throughout the form, nervous system and brain. Mila had weak digestion from birth. She found the parasites everywhere throughout her body when she de-wormed, and recognized at that time how many human ailments must be related.

Interestingly enough, Mila's grandmother was raised upon a farm in Poland, and would de-worm twice per year along with the dogs, cats, sheep, cows, pigs and horses (the family would take the appropriate herbs). Why this simple bit of knowledge has been lost in current medical understanding is not quite clear, except that perhaps it is so simple that doctors would have quite a few less clients if more took the time to clear the parasites from their form on a recurring basis. The removal of the worms will cause an out of balance pH to return to normal within a few months then allowing all yeast to die.

This is a gentle manner of de-worming that Mila has recommended for many initiates below initiation 3000. After initiation 3000, the digestion improves greatly enough with new digestive enzymes allowing the parasite eggs simply to be digested along with the food thereby preventing re-infestation in most cases. Often initiates would stay upon this for up to 3 months, but we recommending muscle testing the individuals dosages and length upon this program for each individual initiate.

Tincture of Wormwood

Kills parasites throughout the intestinal tract and circulatory system along with the organs, glands and brain. (15-20 drops 3 times per day)

Essential Oil of Clove

Kills parasite eggs. Often the dying parasites will lay 1000's of eggs causing re-infestation, and the clove oil prevents this by killing the eggs. 2-3 drops 3 times per day. One can add this to apple juice or applesauce to avoid the strong taste.

Colloidal Silver

10 to 15 drops 3 times per day. The parasites are hosts to viruses and bacteria, which can flood the system as they die. The Colloidal Silver assists the immune system in handling the flood of viruses and bacteria such so that the form does not get ill as one de-worms. Mila's former teacher failed to take the colloidal silver and ended up in the hospital near-death with a large infection of the e-coli bacteria from de-worming. So this is a lesson well learned, and one would not recommend de-worming without the support of the immune system to accompany the process.

Yogurt or Acidophilus

Small amount before bedtime. The colloidal silver will also kill the friendly bacteria in the colon, and so one may replenish this with a few spoonfuls of yogurt or tablespoon of acidophilus. Note: we have found non-fat yogurt to fail to digest as easily the further that one ascends. The digestion of milk protein appears to require some milk fat, and therefore we recommend whole milk yogurt and have found that it digests with far greater ease. The same appears to be true for milk and other milk products, that the new digestive system of the crystalline form requires both the fat and protein to be present together in order to digest.

Initiations 1024 through 2500

During this period of ascension, the decay begins to be addressed. In order for decay to be resurrected and reconstituted, greater amounts of HGH are introduced by the pituitary gland into the system. This may cause the entire frame and bone structure of the form to grow again in size and density or width. The crystalline diaphragm also begins to be constructed which will have pockets that protrude over the rib cage giving one a "Buddha Belly".

There are ducts that extend out of the brainstem that must be open to allow for the flow of HGH to enter the form. Sometimes such ducts have been compromised only allowing a small amount of HGH to flow into the form. Sometimes they have been closed altogether and in such cases, no ascension can come forth at all. Mila and Oa have had success in opening the ducts, sometimes with hands on treatment in extreme cases. If one discovers that little to no growth of the form occurs over time, it is a sign that perhaps the ducts are not fully functional or are closed entirely. We would recommend in such a case to intend to open the ducts and anchor the grid work necessary to do so. There are healers upon our site gifted at such a thing if one feels called to work with them. (See "Staff and Consultations" upon our web site for more information.)

All in all, this period of ascension will require greater amounts of amino acids and protein than the period that preceded it. During this phase of her personal ascension, Mila discovered she could no longer remain vegetarian and her daily protein requirements required the consumption of animal flesh in order to continue to ascend. One of the symptoms of protein deprivation during any phase of ascension is the desire for sweets, ice cream or pastries along with caffeine. This is because there is an added requirement for blood sugar due to how much of the food consumed is being placed into the form for resurrection or reconstitution. Protein digests more slowly than grains and provides a greater stability of blood sugar therein over the course of the day, along with vital amino acids for the restructuring of the form.

In addition to protein, fat will also be craved, and one may desire such things as potato chips, french-fries, or tempura during this phase. Eggs are also a good source of fat, along with nuts, nut butters, and whole milk dairy products and cheese. The excess fat goes into the restructuring of the nervous system and brain, which is being altered to receive the tones and unity-based thought-form of the Language of Light.

For the average ascending human, meat may be required or desired almost daily during this phase due to the amino acid requirements. Salads and fresh fruit are also helpful as they provide enzymes to assist in breaking down the decay of the form. One may find themselves craving papaya or pineapple which are excellent sources of enzymes that can break down the decayed cellular structure.

Swimming and the drinking of lots of fluid assists in the passing of the excess potassium chloride that is still being released throughout the system. One may continue to experience bloating or water retention during this period along with stiffness. Baths are recommended, along with the consumption of watermelon as in the above initiatory phase. We have seen the consumption of large amounts of watermelon take a very bloated form down to a more normal size in less than 3 days. The watermelon assists through the gentle form of bulk, which absorbs the toxins and carries them out the intestinal tract at a more rapid pace.

The further one ascends, the more rapidly one detoxifies. Therefore the higher in vibration one goes, the more toxins per day that are released to be removed from the system. Such toxins are removed largely through the blood and lymph, which carries them either to the pours of the skin, intestinal tract or kidneys for disposal. One manner to easily flush the lymph is to alternate between a hot bath, hot tub, sauna or steam room and a cold pool, moving back and forth between the two three or four times in an hour. The act of utilizing hot and then cold water pushes the lymph from the top to the bottom of the form, allowing toxins that have built up therein to move more readily out the system.

Initiation 2500 to 5000

This phase of ascension brings forth yet again another expansion of the diaphragm during which pockets are added to allow the form to feed the increasing vibration of the crystalline form. The crystalline form as it moves up in vibration requires more and more blood sugar to sustain itself. As a result, pockets are added to the diaphragm during each phase of ascension increasing the ability of the form to convert oxygen to blood sugar to feed an increasingly hungry cellular structure. This may increase the size of the Buddha Belly.

For most initiates (except those with heart disease at the beginning of their ascension), the circulatory system is restructured during this phase of ascension. The blood including both red and white blood cells receive a new blueprint that is far more efficient at detoxifying the form. Blood latches on to toxins and carries it for disposal to the waste management systems of the form such as the intestinal tract, kidneys or pores. Blood cells also latch on to blood sugar to carry it to the cells so that they may be fed. The blood cells also latch on to oxygen to carry it to the diaphragm for conversion to sugar, or direct to the cells themselves. White blood cells become increasingly capable of digesting certain toxins and transmuting it within the cell itself.

The restructuring of the circulatory system requires rather large amounts of protein and amino acids, along with fruits that provide enzymes to break down the old structure and decayed tissues. The bone marrow and spleen are also restructured during this phase of ascension to allow the blood manufacturing system to be brought up to a new code. Larger amounts of amino acids through all forms of meat, nuts, fish and shell fish are recommended many times per week as a result.

The restructuring of the bone marrow accompanies a restructuring of the entire bone structure of the form. The bone structure "lightens" during this phase of ascension and becomes much less dense. One may therefore require larger than normal amounts of food source that contains calcium, such as milk and dairy products. Mila found herself eating large amounts of whole yogurt and 4% cottage cheese along with cream cheese and goat cheese during this phase of ascension.

Some forms are better equipped to digest hard cheese. For Mila, hard cheese often turns to mucous and then creates more toxins in the system. She therefore chose forms of cheese that do not effect her in this manner, which are the softer and fresher (less aged) forms of cheese. For Oa on the other hand, his system has no problem with the harder cheeses and he could consume as much as he wished during this phase in his ascension.

Some cheese which contain a large amount of ammonia, such as Brie or those cheeses aged for longer periods, and these may be less and less desirable as one ascends. It is during this particular phase of ascension that several forms of amino acids are broken down causing a chain of ammonia to be detoxified from the form. One's urine and body odor may smell like ammonia during such a time. One may therefore not wish to add ammonia to the form as one would just be adding to an already toxic system. One may also find that such forms of greatly aged cheese with high amounts o ammonia therein no longer resonate after this phase of ascension is complete, or so Mila and Oa have discovered.

One may also crave coconut during this phase of ascension. Coconut has a component that when combined with calcium in milk products such as whole yogurt, creates a new form of calcium required for the restructuring of the bones. The bones become far less dense during this phase of ascension, and one will find that they begin to "float" in fresh water when complete. One floats because the bones become lighter in density.

By in large, we would recommend staying away from junk food or food with chemical additives throughout one's ascension. Mila and Oa have discovered that fresh food, freshly prepared has greater amounts of chi, and digests with greater ease. This is not to say that they do not enjoy treats, just that they choose cakes and pastries that are made with fresh ingredients, fresh fruits, real chocolate, or fresh crème.

Some preservatives are more toxic than others. Sulfur dioxide which is used to retain the freshness of such things as dried fruit is toxic to the initiations leading to Full Consciousness, but not so toxic in the lower initiations. BHT and BHA are antioxidant and do no harm. EDTA however kills cells or takes the life out of the food, which does indeed preserve it, but it also will kill the cells in your intestinal tract when consumed. EDTA is utilized in a lot of products, including most mayonnaise. One may wish to become increasingly aware of their food labels as a result and avoid those additives that kill the form rather than support it in ascension.

Initiation 5000 to 6000

Another phase of ascension has been added to the path to Bodhisattva in recent months. The genetic structure changes in initiations 4200 to 6000 insure unity in group relations, which is what becoming the Bodhisattva is all about. The Earth Mother therefore elongated the initiation process including this phase of work in the stretch to Bodhisattva.

This phase of ascension predominantly involves the nervous system. The nervous system is being prepared to hold more Language of Light tones that are dual and tri tone in nature. This period of transmutation may require more fat than protein as a result, as the entire lipid system for the nervous system is under reconstruction. Such fats are most easily provided through eggs, cheese, whole yogurt, butter, along with nuts and nut butters.

Some may crave cooked meat during this period of transmutation, as the cholesterol from such food sources is also useful. Tempura or deep fried delicacies are also useful, but again we would recommend that which is fresh over that which has been frozen, canned or packaged and shelved for long periods.

For those that have good digestion, eating the heavier meats is not a problem. For those with a more difficult time with bowel function, we recommend eating fish only. There are some fish high in both protein and cholesterol, particular shellfish such as scallops, shrimp, crab and lobster. One may discover that small amounts of lobster and crab are helpful during this phase of ascension in providing certain essential lipids for restructuring the nervous system.

Fresh fruit is also helpful in order to provide enzymes to assist in the breaking down of the old tissues in the nervous system, however in lower quantities than the earlier initiations. One may find that if one follows their cravings, that the body informs them of what is required by sending the tastes to the taste buds causing one to crave the appropriate foods. The accuracy of cravings increase the further that one ascends as the personality entities are moved out of the field and life dance.



Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold

Both silver and gold are anti-viral and anti-bacterial in nature. One may consume the colloidal silver or gold, along with dropping such substances into the eyes, ears, or inhaling it into the nasal passages and lungs. If the nasal passages or lungs become compromised in ascension, try inhaling colloidal silver and gold. One may find that the stuffy head and nose clears much more rapidly. Dropping such substances into the ears, along with ear candling, can be useful in the clearing of toxins that may clog the inner ear.

During certain phases of ascension, the eyes shall be reconstructed. Those that wear glasses may choose to alter the shape of the eye at such a time. Oa has done this gradually over the past 8 months of his ascension, during which his clarity of vision has improved greatly. During this period, his eyes were often bloodshot and filled with a lot of pus, which was simply the toxins leaving the eyes. Sometimes so much pus would be present that one or both eyes would stick shut upon awakening. Mila also went through a period of similar symptoms, although much earlier in her ascension.

Both Mila and Oa found dropping colloidal silver and gold into the eyes offered some relief during this process by flushing out the toxins and killing bacteria. Often when the eyes are irritated, one wishes to touch them more frequently only causing an infection of unnecessary bacteria. The colloidal silver helps to kill the infection allowing the eyes to feel better.

Oa also found that until he cleared his sinuses, that there was not an easy pathway to detoxify the eyes. He therefore found that utilizing a nasal spray with colloidal silver along with other anti-bacterial agents such as grapefruit seed extract helpful in detoxifying the nasal passages. This allows his eyes to complete their segment of reconstitution at a more rapid speed bringing an end to the eye discomfort.


Echinacea is an herb that is useful in building white blood cells. Echinacea triggers the development of white blood cells in the event of an infection, and likewise causes less white blood cells to be manufactured as the infection is complete. Mila took Echinacea for on and off for many years, particularly as her lungs were being restructured. Her lungs would fill up with fluid and mucous during their reconstitution, giving her a deep cough and seeming bronchitis.
This was a problem on and off for well over a year earlier in her ascension. The Echinacea allowed her immune system to increase enough to support the form through this process without the requirement of antibiotics.

Golden Seal

Golden Seal is an herb that is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Golden Seal enters the blood and assists the immune system by attaching to the virus or bacteria therein and then the blood through the intestines disposes of the two. Golden Seal, per its diva, can also enter infected cells throughout the form and assist by killing the bacteria or virus therein.

Mitake Mushroom Extract

Mitake Mushroom Extract contains all of the vital amino acids to build white blood cells. In so doing, Mitake Mushroom Extract can assist in boosting the immune system if one has an infection or is ill. Mila and Oa also found it useful to build their immune system before travel so that more white blood cells would be available to ingest foreign substances spread through the oxygen in long plane flights. This has increased their ability to recover from the very difficult circumstance and harsh environment that travel creates for ascending bodies. Initiates that suffer from immune problems may also find this substance useful in increasing the white blood cell count of the form.


Ginseng is a tonic herb often recommended in Chinese Medicine. Ginseng assists the form in maintaining its metabolism through the regulation of blood flow. The regulation of blood flow is a sympathetic nervous system function, and Ginseng supplies a vital ingredient to the functioning of the sympathetic nervous system. Ginseng can improve the flow of blood to the brain allowing for greater alertness and a lessening of "mental" tiredness.

Gota Kola

Gota Kola increases the brain's ability to intake sugar from the blood. Often tiredness or a lack of alertness is related to a lack of blood sugar feeding the brain. In ascension as the blood becomes increasingly toxic due to that which is being cast off in the transmutative process, the brain is effected as the toxic blood level lessons the amount of sugar carried by the red blood cells which are busy removing toxins from the system. Gota Kola has proved to be successful at triggering more red blood cells to be created to carry more blood sugar to feed all cells in the form, including the brain. This aids in increasing alertness and decreasing tiredness.


Vitex is an herb that assists in balancing the hormones, in particular before initiation 5000. New glands are budding upon the Pituitary and each new gland produces a new hormone. Vitex assists in bridging the thymus gland, which is growing and becomes the master gland for the body, in communicating its needs more clearly to the pituitary, so that the pituitary may produces all hormones in only the amounts required by the form at each stage of change within ascension.


Ginger is a tonic herb often used in Chinese Medicine. One may find ginger pickled at the sushi counter or dried and coated with sugar as a wonderful treat. One may also use ginger as a delicious ingredient in Chinese cooking. Ginger warms the intestinal tract, which assists in digestion. Digestion in some cases is one of the weakest links to the form. In the current human form, often the colon is terribly scarred. The scarred tissues leads to large portions of the colon which do not function, cannot absorb toxins from the blood nor allow for the transference of the nutrients back into the blood as food is digested. Ginger increases the circulation to the colon allowing for greater absorption of nutrients in digestion.

Passion Flower

Passion Flower is an herb that sooths the nervous system by causing it to fire less frequently. As such, Passion Flower is useful in the case of a pinched nerve or muscle spasms or even epilepsy. Epilepsy is related to excessive electrical energy running through the nervous system, which causes the entire system to fire to an excess causing spasms. For those whom suffer from Epilepsy, the further one ascends and releases the electrical charge along with the electrical sacred geometry, the more rapidly one will recover. Passion Flower may assist during the transition.

Valerian Root

Valerian Root, much like Passion Flower, soothes the nervous system, but not by effecting the nerves themselves but rather by relaxing the muscles that surround the nerves. This is accomplished as Valerian Root enters the cellular structure of the muscles and eases a biochemical reaction that causes muscles to tense up or spasm. Valerian Root is useful therefore any time the muscles have tensed so greatly that one is in pain during their ascension.

Kava Kava

Kava Kava is a leaf grown in Hawaii that has the effect, much like Valerian Root, of relaxing the entire biological system. Whereas Valerian Root effects the muscles, Kava Kava triggers the reproduction of a certain biochemical substance in the pituitary, which acts as a muscle relaxant. Much like a "runners high" or following heavy exercise, Kava Kava causes a similar biochemical response that allows the body to feel grounded and relaxed, and yet energized.

Dieters Tea or Tea for Constipation

For those with irregular bowel function, increasing bowel function is one manner of allowing the detoxification in ascension to come forth with greater ease. For Mila, she finds that daily bowel function is important, and teas with sienna bark, licorice root and anise are helpful in softening the stools and increasing bowel action. In essence, constipation in ascension causes a backing up of toxins, which only slows down the entire process. Therefore aiding a system that is inherently weak is helpful until it has been restructured enough to not require any aid.

The intestinal tract, as one moves towards Mahavishnu level evolution, is capable of transmuting toxins with application of vibration. The vibration is held by new tissue that is built around the large intestine. As such, the amount of waste leaving the form decreases after such time with large portions simply being transmuted through energy or vibration. Indeed, the fully conscious form of one's ancient ancestors knew not waste, all was recycled. One builds towards such a system little by little the further one ascends, and one manner that this is accomplished is through energetic transmutation of certain wastes not required by the remainder of the form.

Vitamins and Minerals

By in large, the vitamins and minerals produced by current human technology are highly toxic, along with such things as blue-green algae. We recommend ceasing ingesting such substances, and looking for herbal tinctures that supply what one requires instead. There are many herbs available in health food stores, and each initiate is sincerely unique in their requirements. Mila, early on, simply would muscle test what she required and purchase it, bringing it home and then muscle testing the dosages each day. Often she was on a series of herbs for a few months, and when a particular phase of ascension was complete, she never required them again. She utilized tinctures because they muscle tested as preferred over dried herbs, and indeed tinctures hold more life force or chi than the dried variety.

Antioxidants can be helpful during highly toxic periods of restructuring of the form. However, this shall not be every day. For short periods, Mila and Oa have taken large quantities of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) along with other antioxidants. This was during a period of heavy plane travel in which the toxins through the oxygen in the plane were so great that it was interfering with their bloods' ability to carry oxygen and sugar to the cells. In essence, the cells in their form began to die due to a lot of plane travel. However, once home and away from the airport, such substances would again become toxic and they therefore ceased to ingest it.

We guide all initiates to muscle test their bodies need in any given day or under any given circumstance, and do only what the body requires to support one's continued ascension. In so doing, one shall assure that they are receiving all that they require to ascend, and not adding to the already toxic overload inherent in the act of resurrection and reconstitution of the form. For those whom are diseased, the consumption of certain vitamins may be necessary to rebuild an extremely decayed form. Therefore it is best that one muscle test under all circumstances the specific needs of any given form.

Liquid Oxygen

For travel, Mila and Oa recently discovered liquid oxygen as a solution to a lack of O2 upon the plane during long plane flights. They also discovered that sometimes the liquid oxygen is useful when they are teaching but choose not to eat to hold a higher frequency than normal for a specific time in their workshop. For some humans whom have difficulty with the lungs, particularly during times that the lungs are being restructured, liquid oxygen may be a helpful addition to supply the cellular structure with the daily requirements of O2. For some initiates living in an environment that is highly polluted (such as Los Angeles), liquid oxygen may also assist in oxygen deprivation due to the pollutants in the air. Oxygen deprivation may cause one to be overly tired or become exhausted easily. Again, muscle test what is best under any given circumstance and dosage.

Tiger Balm

There are many aches and pains in ascension. Tiger Balm is an ointment that is available in most drug stores that increases the energy flowing through the grid work of whatever part of the form that the ointment is spread. Mila and Oa find Tiger Balm useful for aches and pains anytime in ascension, particularly when rubbed upon the lower back, shoulders, neck, or just under the sternum and along the rib cage where the Buddha Belly can sometimes ache. What Mila and Oa have found is that the Tiger Balm not only increases circulation, but the formula for heat which contains cloves also stimulates the grid work allowing a certain section of etheric reconstruction work to come forth with greater ease and less pain. It is their nightly ritual to anoint each other with Tiger Balm.

Fango Mud, Aztec Mud and Batherapy

Baths are a ritual that Mila and Oa would never live without. While in Hawaii, often they substitute a swim in the pool or ocean for their daily bath, which is necessary as many apartments and hotels in Hawaii do not have bathtubs. So one may utilize a pool, hot tub, sauna or even shower as a substitute for a bath. Bathing clears the energy field, and the water itself absorbs toxins through the pores in the skin allowing ascension to come forth with greater ease.

When Mila and Oa relied upon baths, they utilized many additives that were helpful to the form, which include Fango Mud, or Aztec Mud or Batherapy, which is a nice mixture of sulfur and other minerals along with enough chlorophyll to ease the odor. Such bath additives pull the toxins from the pores of the skin. Also there is a product that has powdered oatmeal that can soften the skin removing dead skin cells increasing the pores ability to move the toxins out of the form.

One may also give oneself a mud bath at home. Taking about * cup of the Aztec or Fango Mud, add enough boiling hot water until the mud is covered. Allow it to cool and sit for about 15 to 20 minutes. The mud will turn gelatinous as it sits and one may then spread it all over the body. Wait 10-20 minutes until the mud has dried and then shower off.

Often in one's most toxic moments, a mud bath is a very good solution, as the mud shall absorb from the pours of the skin perhaps what a bath or swim cannot, particularly as it dries upon the form. Mila and Oa take any symptoms such as congestion or too many aches and pains (flu-like symptoms) as a sign that they are overly toxic, and they immediately plan on giving each other a mud bath that night. Frequently, the symptoms disappear overnight as a result.


Meditation is important. Retraining the field to move in a new manner known as synthesis is paramount after initiation 1800. One may utilize the "Synthesis Meditation" under the "Messages from the Earth Mother" section upon our web site after such a time. Before 1800, it is important to begin to run the kundahlini and ground, and one may utilizing the meditation from "Supporting the Human Form in Ascension" for this purpose.

Synthesis clarifies the field of that which is non-resonant and not from one's own field or source. As such, synthesis allows for greater clarity of thought-form, and clears the path to hearing one's own guidance and truth more accurately. As one's field becomes trained too align itself in vibration like a rainbow of tones, one need not run through the lengthy synthesis meditation to accomplish the task. One may simply command their field to "synthesize" and so it will.

One may seek to discover in their synthesis where tones are missing, as missing tones creates gaps through which the dark can still manipulate one's field or guidance. As an ascending initiate, one is forever also anchoring new tones to widen the spectrum of synthesis within their field. Ascension brings about first the embracing of the single tones of the Language of Light, then the dual tones, then the tri tones, and then the quad tones. Quad tones are mastered as one attains Full Consciousness. Therefore one is forever increasing the dance of tones in one's field, which translates into increasing the unity-based thought-form from which one operates in the world in relation to all others.

Taking time to move the energy, move the kundahlini, and listen to guidance as to the next step upon one's chosen path of ascension is important. Sometimes such things can be accomplished as one takes a gentle walk and connects with nature. In the communion with nature, one surrenders to the next phase of their process, which clears the field so that one's guidance can be heard with greater ease.


Many humans are greatly out of balance. They are so outer moving, concerned about work, friends, family, entertainment, paying the bills, or raising the children, that there is no time for the inner work of ascension. We guide those whom are choosing to ascend to make time for the inner work every day. Skip the television and if you can, give it away. Television only perpetrates the old thought-form one is leaving behind anyway. Give the newspaper and magazines along with the books away too for they too perpetuate separation based thought-form. Turn the focus within so that one's inner landscape may open and then provide one with the very keys necessary to transcend in this lifetime.

Give up the fantasies also, along with the fiction books or movies. Unless such stories are examples of what you wish to create for yourself in the future, you risk creating something that you really do not desire, for you are only intending such experiences into your life dance in engaging in such thought-form. Such is the nature of intention, and the further that one ascends, the greater the power that one's intents may have. Therefore one may not be able to afford to watch the violent film without then intending the violence into their life dance, which means that one shall live to experience the violence in the future. And is this what you want beloved?

If humanity truly understood the power of their thoughts, they would be very mindful of every thought that crossed their head day and night. If a negative thought crosses your mind, intend to cancel it from manifesting, and then kick the personality entities or guidance that placed such a thought into your head out of your field through the act of synthesis. In so doing, you will begin to become mindful of your thoughts, which shall allow nothing other than your intention to ascend to come to fruition in your life dance.


For many, a career that surrounds oneself with electrical energy may require changing in full in order to ascend. For those whom have had preoccupations of electrical engineering or computer science, the ongoing bombardment of the electrical current is absorbed by the cellular structure over time. We have had initiates whom have either became very ill in attempting to ascend and retain their job in such an electrical environment, or whom have had a lot of difficulty transcending from the electrical to a magnetic only energy flow in their ascension.

If you are sincerely devoted to ascension, and hold a preoccupation that is in a highly electrical environment, we encourage you to alter your preoccupation to one that is more suitable to ascension. If the environment is electrical enough, more cells on average may be killed or destroyed in any given day than one can resurrect in the act of ascending. There are many careers and preoccupations that are non-electrical in nature. One will have to weigh the desire to ascend over their current life dance under such a circumstance.

If you have learned to entertain yourself with computer games or surfing the web, we guide you to give these up also. Go outside and commune with nature. Be at one with Earth. It is only as the oneness comes forth that your ascension can flourish, and this requires preoccupations that support such a goal.


Mila and Oa have learned over time to give the form whatever was required in order to fuel their ascension forth. This has not only included eating the foods that provided the nutritional elements required to ascend, but ultimately relocating to a region that supported the form in the climb to full consciousness. It is for this reason that 3 years ago, they relocated from the mainland to Hawaii, which not only holds a higher vibrational frequency, but is far less toxic overall as an environment.

We guide initiates whom are devoted to their path of ascension to do the same, to give unto the form all that is required in order to ascend. For some this may require not only altering one's diet, but moving the form to a region that is better suited to one's transcendence. It may also require leaving a preoccupation that is either highly toxic in nature, or one that ultimately does not give one joy or fulfillment.

Ascension brings forth the peeling away of that which leaves one in non-joy. Such is expressed in all areas of the life dance the further that one ascends towards full consciousness. We hope that each reading this material finds the information useful therein. For those devoted to ascension, additional and more detailed information on the process of ascension is provided in our Group Mastery Study Program. We invite those that feel called to consider this program.

Until our next communication

Mila & Oa

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